What are Cameras & Camera modes?
Digital cameras are used to create a visual record of the world around us but can be challenging to operate effectively. Cameras take images of the scenery around us, product photography, and other uses. Camera modes allow settings such as exposure, aperture, and more to be adjusted, but this can be frustrating for many photographers.
Many people want to quickly take a picture with their camera, so they will most likely use the automatic mode. However, when you’re going to take a high-quality eCommerce Photography shot of a product, you wouldn’t use the automatic mode; instead, you’ll need to use manual mode and adjust settings.
However, you can use other camera modes to take stunning photos. As a result, it is essential to know what these settings do.
Most important Camera Mode settings
When using a camera for manual control, shutter speed and aperture are the most important settings that a camera can have. Adjusting the shutter speed and aperture can make a big difference in how an image looks.
Using a faster shutter speed freezes quick-moving objects. A slower shutter speed capture light more when dark out or in a low-light room. Using a wider aperture gives more light but results in a blurry background. Conversely, a narrower aperture will keep more of the frame in focus in your shot.
The main issue with manual control is that the camera needs the correct amount of light to be available so you can take a well-exposed photo. When you have too much light in your photo, it will appear pure white and have too little, and the photo will be pitch black. To prevent this, aperture and shutter speed needs to be balanced. To use a wide aperture, you will use a faster shutter speed to compensate, for example.
It is important to remember that shutter speeds & aperture have multiple pairs that produce a well-exposed image. Having your camera set to f/1.8 & 1/125 is the same as using settings of f/11 for 1/8th, for example.
ISO indicates sensitivity and tells the photographer (and the camera) how much light is required for a good photo. Using a higher ISO (fast films) means it will be more sensitive. Lower ISOs (slow films) will need more light, wider apertures, and slower shutter speed.
Digital cameras, however, don’t have this limitation; however, you can similarly control the sensor’s sensitivity. These settings may sound confusing, but the camera’s automatic modes handle all these settings effectively, saving a lot of confusion.
How Much Control Do You Need?

The automatic camera mode setting is found under a big “A” symbol but might have a different name, depending on the camera’s manufacturer. Automatic mode controls every setting that the user wants to shoot. The user needs to point and shoot, and the camera will take a decent shot of your subject.
Manual mode allows users to adjust every setting to their liking. In manual mode, the camera will shoot based on the user’s settings.
There are variations of automatic mode that allow the user to tell the camera the type of photo you are taking, like portrait and sport modes, and the camera will adjust accordingly.
There are also variations of manual mode that allow control of some settings without changing every setting available. Finally, program mode allows you to adjust the settings provided by the camera and lets you adjust how much you stick to those settings.
Not understanding what settings are needed to take photos with property exposure and look technically decent makes automatic mode the easiest to use. While there’s no harm with using your camera like this, you limit how much you can express your creativity.
Manual mode provides direct control over the camera. Manual mode requires more adjustments to get correctly exposed photos but allows more creativity through the different settings available. Most professional photographers will shoot almost exclusively with manual or aperture priority modes.
The Big Three Camera Mode Settings

Manual Camera mode (M on the camera’s dial)
Every setting will need adjusting when using manual camera mode. For example, the Aperture, shutter speed, and ISO need to be adjusted for a well-exposed photo.
When you want to control your camera’s setting, you will use manual mode, which is important for shooting at night, such as lond exposure photography or photography studio setting.
Aperture priority Camera Mode (A or Av on the camera’s dial)
Aperture mode is essential if you want to control what you shoot while not needing to adjust the settings for each shot. Using aperture priority mode allows your camera to choose the shutter speed and select the aperture and exposure compensation you want.
Exposure composition is crucial as it determines how fast or slow you want the shutter speed compared to your camera’s choice. Changing the exposure composition allows you to dial in the aperture, take a test photo, and quickly correct your settings if things aren’t to your liking.
Aperture will impact the look of an image much more than shutter speed in most situations.
Most professional photographers will shoot in aperture priority mode most of the time. Aperture priority mode provides a balance between ease of use and the amount of control available.
Shutter speed priority Camera Mode (S or Tv on the camera’s dial)
Shutter speed priority is similar to aperture priority but, you choose the shutter speed, and the camera will select the aperture. Unfortunately, professional photographers will rarely use this setting.
No ISO priority mode is available as manual, aperture priority, and shutter speed priority modes can select the ISO specifically or let the camera adjust this setting for you.
Program Camera Mode
It is important to understand that you can change how a photo looks while having multiple combinations of aperture and shutter speed that provide equivalent exposure.
The program mode allows the camera to choose a shutter speed and an aperture to correct exposure. Then, you can select one of the pairs of values that will provide the same exposure. This choice will depend on several factors. For example, whether you want all the elements in your frame to stay in focus (for a landscape shot) or if you want to create more depth with a blurry background (for a portrait).
The camera will do most of the work, but you still determine what the camera does. For example, you can dial in the compensation of your exposure to correct your camera choices that aren’t good for your shot. This is similar to aperture priority and shutter speed priority modes.
Program mode is a great way to get started with more creative shots. In addition, program mode helps you learn how aperture & shutter speed works together to create a well-exposed image. This can allow progress to more advanced techniques and more manual modes in the future.
Different Automatic Camera Modes
Automatic mode has a wide range of variations, but they will do the same thing and leave every setting up to the camera to decide.
Using automatic mode wouldn’t be particularly creative or provide any specific details to your shots. But as technology has improved, the automatic mode can be more appealing to more creative photographers.
The automatic mode on most modern cameras will use machine learning to detect the sort of photo you’re taking and will adjust the settings for that shot. For example, if the camera thinks you’re taking a portrait rather than shooting a landscape photo, it will use a wider aperture.
Automatic mode is excellent for beginner photographers or those who don’t fancy learning the more technical manual modes. Most camera models also have other specific automatic modes on the dial, such as:
- Auto flash off
- Landscape
- Portrait
- Night portrait
- Sports
- Children
- Close-up (such as jewellery photography)
There are other automatic mode options as well depending on the camera model and brand. Selecting the recommended automatic mode for the type of shot you’re trying to take would be ideal in most situations.
Other Available Camera modes
Manufacturers often include specific modes for their cameras that are used as selling points. Nikon cameras, for example, have a “guide mode” on its entry-level cameras that assists you in taking a photo. Canon cameras include the “creative auto” camera mode. Creative auto mode lets you adjust the background blur without adjusting exposure settings on the camera.
To summarise; if you want total control of your camera settings, learn how to use aperture priority or manual mode. If you’re focusing on shooting and don’t want to learn how to adjust settings, go with the most appropriate automatic mode. Finally, go with program mode if you want to learn more about manual modes.
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